29 September 2014


Lately I'm glimpsing how pervasive fluidity is, how very deep is life's non-dual nature. I am no different. More than ever, I am both here and there, urban and rural, secular and spiritual, right and wrong. I am spiraling upwards and downwards at any given time, succumbing to entropy and striving for order, simultaneously.
Trying to make things into absolutes causes so much turmoil in this world. The either/or mindset failed to help me in my sexual identity, and it fails so often when applied to anything else.
So why do I repeatedly fall into the trap of choosing, or believing, or being this or that?
My way of being challenges others' binary-ness, their preconceptions of duality, their fundamentalism. Witnessing their discomfort, out of compassion I soothe them by attempting to be more black-and-white in my words and deeds. But that isn't easier on me; it goes against my spirit.
My spirit's way is the way of the bridge: resting firmly on both shores, dwelling on both as well as in between them and over the river, simultaneously. I dance across the bridge and over the river, pausing for a time on one bank or another until exploration beckons and I resume the dance of in-between. I live and I love in the places where binaries meet and caress, bump and rub together.
At last, I have understood: whenever, for the benefit of others, I force myself to align with society's embrace of the binary, I do myself harm. Perhaps I also harm others, by perpetuating a mindset that leads to conflict.
So now I am learning how to live in harmony with my nature (and perhaps the nature of all things.) I will practice allowing others grapple with their own dissonance rather than violating my self. I will practice being proud of what my way of being can bring to the world: diversity, inclusiveness, understanding - and maybe even some peace, at least for myself.
Creative Commons License
Bridging by Monica Meneghetti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at monmenblog.blogspot.ca.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.monicameneghetti.com.

25 July 2014

Recreation Guilt

It's that season where we can get to feeling we should be out enjoying Canada's brief summertime by bagging peaks, paddling rapids, and otherwise engaging in copious outdoor activity! Here's my antidote. It's one of my older poems, posted here upon popular request.
A Contrite Banffite Seeks Pardon

Forgive me, Rockies, for I have sinned.
It has been months since my last hike.
I could have walked through autumn leaves, yet was content
to lie on the couch,
watching through the window while aspen surrendered their leaves.
Mountain-bike trails deserved to be ridden,
not spurned in favour of Star Trek re-runs.
And how could I have danced and drunk until too sick for next day’s hike?
Twice, I failed to walk to work.
I purchased fossil fuels.
I neglected to carpool
and squandered the long-weekend
with a double-feature at the Lux.

I confess:
I long to cause wanton erosion and savour succulent berries.
I crave a blaze during fire ban.
Oh, and one more thing:,
I covet my neighbour’s
hi-tech gear. 

Be gracious to me now, O Rockies.
May your awesome views blot out  my transgressions,
may your waterfalls cleanse me of my iniquity and purge me of my sloth.

In penance, I offer a prayer:
Hail Hiker, tight of lace,
blisters are with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst locals
and blessed is the brand of thy boot Merrell.
Holy Hiker, like unto god,
pray for us lazy sonsabitches
now and at the summit of Everest,
oh yeah.
 Creative Commons License
Contrite Banffite by Monica Meneghetti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.monicameneghetti.com.
Creative Commons License
Monmen by Monica Meneghetti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.monicameneghetti.com.