Just back from brief vacation. The Slocan Valley gave me an organic-green-bean welcome. A cherry-picking initiation engaged with teeth. Sweat-infused, patchouli-and-herb inhalations. Drum-circle epicentre of ecstatic energy, drawing me into Divine Dance. Such energy surged from the drums as to require a step backward, a circling 'round, an exhalation. I exhaled in order to make room, to take it in. Nothing to safely do with such spirals but dance dance dance beneath that fully-stoked yet dying star called Sun.
Years ago, I wouldn't have felt the energetic pulse emanating from the drummers' combined intention. This ability to detect Divine energy as physical sensation is an enormous gift received from the many Illuminated Souls who willingly shared with me over the last two decades. Sometimes we think this comes from the "masters" only. But I believe that each of us is an Illuminated Soul. The difference lies only in manifestation. How much of the time are we manifesting that identity? Those we call ascended are there all of the time. And perhaps also beyond corporeality...though my ample scepticism says "impossible".