25 October 2010

turned on its head

Queen of Glee or margarine commercial? You decide.
When a Fibre Goddess from Nelson felted this Creamsiclesque handbag, she had no idea it would be warped into a Glee Cozy. It seems like the right thing to wear during my first screenplay critique.

18 October 2010

pandas don't hibernate

shape-shifter? or just shifty?
This week's Glee Cozy is giving me warm fuzzies while I finish the first draft of my short film. Donated by a Hip-Hop Dance Goddess, it made its way all the way from Calgary into my mountain studio! I resonate with bears in general, so this hat is giving me a real boost. I need that boost right now.

12 October 2010

weird enough to work

lurking in the penumbra, a strange creature was sighted....

Donated by Banff's Fine Art Maven and twisted by yours truly, this week's Glee Cozy makes me feel like a mutant mouse/Martian hybrid. Will it produce interesting writing results? It may be just weird enough to work! This week I wrote my first pages of film script. Finally hearing how my characters talk and interact. My anxiety is lessening and my enjoyment growing. If this trend continues, I could be having too much fun by December.

05 October 2010

things you can have a thing for

Upon seeing a fake-fur sasquatch costume in a shop today, I said to the clerk without so much as a how-do-you-do, "Did you know there are folks with a fetish for people dressed in fursuits?"

"No, I didn't," says he.

"Yup. And some folks have a fetish for plush toys, too. It's called plushophilia. It may even be listed in the DSM-IV. How much are these tube socks?"

"Ten dollars."

"Okay, thanks. People in the furry fandom community refer to such a fetish as 'yiff'. Have a good one."

Let this be a cautionary tale for other writers out there. Not everyone is walking around thinking about human-kind's range of sexual fetishes. Just because the main character in your screenplay needs you to be obsessed with such matters, the local store clerk doesn't. He'll just spend the rest of his day texting his friends: "OMG, u'll nevR guess what this weird customer said 2 me 2day."

Spanky Poodle sat right down
a-writing on a story
put a feather in her cap
and called it allegory!
This week's glee cozy was handcrafted from our local newspaper by a Culinary Goddess(pictured Right) but it has never contained fish or chips. 

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