20 November 2010

It's not serious. Seriously.

My third eye tells me everything I need to know.

Bill Pollett described my screenplay as "a satirical Cronenbergian fable set in an eco-friendly dystopia that has much to say about both sexual taboos and political intolerance."

Here are some of the projects that are feeding my imagination as the story plays out on the movie screen of my mind.
Biosphere Home Farming
www.design.philips.com/probes and click on FOOD for more info.


Toronto-based source of velomobiles. More at www.bluevelo.com

16 November 2010

a kind of jester

Courtesy Last Temptation Thrift.
Writer warps words in her Wernicke's area. Her hat-bobs bobble between banter and bathos. She dances, dodges, dips and doodles down dangerous drive-thrus of astounding antonyms and stunning synecdoches.  Even her extraordinarily effervescent eyes exclaim "excellent". The bells of Onomatopoeia jingle. Are you not entertained?

08 November 2010

Cozy from the past

Mom is keeping my head cozy, even though she's been gone for more than half my lifetime.
My mom knitted me this hat when I was about twelve. It's a scarf with a hat built into one end of it. I remember wearing it on my walk to ballet class. The snow drifts were high, the wind was pushing against me. I felt like a Russian ballerina on her way to the studio.

Revision is the process of ruining a piece of writing in order to make it better. The toughest, most anxious stage for me is when the piece is ruined but not yet better. I'm there now with my screenplay. Only one thing for it: keep going until it is better, or at least better enough.

01 November 2010

Hair is cozy enough

Sometimes my hair can be a Glee Cozy all on its own.
No hat arrived from my supporters on time for this week's post. So, here I am. My bare-headed, bed-headed self. Often, writers need to funk it up on their own.
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Monmen by Monica Meneghetti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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