31 January 2011

-35 Celsius at 51°10'N, 115°34'W

...and the pachyderm jumped over the natural upward projection of the earth's surface...
Sunlight emerging onto mountains outside my window. Conscious breathing. Hot cocoa from scratch. Mary Oliver's poetry. I'm re-creating my morning ritual, one dawn at a time. Sunrise dawdles in the winter at this latitude. 7:30 is early enough. I'm grateful.

19 January 2011

snapshot challenged

Glee cozy of the week! Taken during a morning ski on the Bow River.
I'm snapshot challenged. I detest short-circuiting my lived moment to step away and deal with a machine. Also, my appearance displeases me in 99% of photos. But I do like wandering around with the express purpose of looking at the world. The digital camera I got for Christmas made me remember a fascination with textures and things that can look extraterrestrial when taken out of context.
Meanwhile...I'm developing a screenplay that involves human clones and emancipation.

04 January 2011

gathers moss

Guess I should have kept the stones rolling...look what grew on my head during the break!
On to feature film now...Three ideas pitched and awaiting feedback. Overwhelmed by the notion of developing one into a script. Don't think about it. Just keep rolling.
Creative Commons License
Monmen by Monica Meneghetti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.monicameneghetti.com.